Tuesday, February 2, 2010

I went down to Sydney on the weekend to see Patrick Stewart with my Dad. I decided to dress up in my Star Trek original series, with sixties eyeliner, lashes and hair. Definitely a good idea. Was very fun.

Patrick was pretty awesome, I had my photo opportunity with him, got a few signatures. The most amazing part was when he performed a monologue from MacBeth (the part where MacBeth is hallucinating a dagger). When (Sir..because he has been knighted now) Sir Patrick put his hand up and froze in position to start...the most amazing thing was seeing his cheek muscle twitch and his whole face just subtly melt into character.

As someone who was forced to do MacBeth in high school English and hated it, I adored this. I was on the edge of my seat leaning forward. All I could think was 'This. This is what a good actor is like' Wonderful.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Overdue pictures from the Star Trek Premiere in Brisbane

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Stay tuned....

Paramount Publicity has asked my Dad's club to have cosplayers at the Star Trek preview (Wednesday before the Thursday release). So Dad and I are going! I was hesitant to do my Andorian again, so much effort so soon! But when I found out Paramount was organising, not just the local Cinema, I was sold.

Now there might be a cross during the weather (5.20pm and 5.40pm on Wednesday), but I don't think I can make the 5.20pm cross, so I dont know if I'll be able to do any.

But stay tuned for photos and the such!

The much delayed post from Supanova

My morning didn't start of so great. My contacts took almost 45 minutes to get in, and when I did get the last one in, it was hurting. Managed to get over the pain, but as my eyes were irritated, my nose started running.

As I put on my face makeup, which comes off with water, my nose running made my makeup come off, in one nice streak. Took some telfast and hoped for the best (obviously taking my touch up kit with me).

Then, nearly an hour late, I couldn't find my blue mascara.... had to forget about it.

Headed off, and as we were driving, my eyes got so irritated by the contacts it was literally like I was crying.... and like the nose, this meant makeup running off. So I wasn't feeling to spectacular about my costume, and stressed because we were only just going to make it in time for Dad's shift at his Star Trek club's stall.

We couldn't find the parking, so had to go to a side street. I told Dd to leave me, and I fixed up my makeup.

Started walking to the showgrounds. Turns out in a car, the distance didn't seem to great, but it was a good 2 or 3 blocks. I started sweating....just one bead of sweat, I felt it start and in my head I was going 'oh no you don't!' By the time I got the entry, I had to stand in the sun waiting to get in (prepaid ticket line!)... sweat pouring down where that one bead was.

Turns out that day was very very humid. I wasn't the only stage makeup person having issues with the heat...my only consolation.

The embarassing part was standing in the line, with crap makeup. I just wanted to go home and cry, considering I forgot to bring my 'normal' star trek wig and tights. Went to the bathroom fixed myself up enough, but was so pissed off how it had all turned out. But decided to walk around, find Dad...and people started asking for photos! I started feeling better, because people still liked my costume...it was really just one side and 'macro' close up that it wasn't so great.

Anyway, I quickly got happy...and stood by the Star Trek stand attracting people and feeling a lot better.

The day was great.... here are photos (just my costume)

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Dress Rehearsal

Supanova is on this weekend, so after finishing my uni assignment (one of them :S) I decided I needed to do a full dress rehearsal. So here is a little taste of my dressing process.

Ensuring there is no mascara or makeup to get in the way and sting (!!!) I eventually managed to put my black contacts in (getting better everytime!) These are a must for this costume, as it is such a subtle change that just puts the finishing touch on the outfit

I then put on the basic blue stage makeup, later realising that the lipstick doesn't work, so I had to remove (just with baby wipes) the makeup from my lips. Learnt the technique that worked best, and also realised I had to take my uniform off to do my neck without wrecking my costume

Excuse the way the makeup looks, i'm blaming generally bad lighting and self-photography. While the makeup was done to 90% satisfaction, it was pretty smooth looking (although my vision may have been blurred because of the contacts :) ) This photo has the blue eyeliner, blue mascara, blue lipstick and white/blue eyebrows. I realised I don't have much eyebrow hair so it didn't really work out 'colouring them in' but I was happy with the general idea, since the wig covers them a bit
Here we are with the wig (antennaes are hidden in the photo)

This is my 'angry andorian' pose that I may use instead of smiling at the convention. I never have the guts to take it to the next level and act the character, but that's what makes a cosplay good isn't it? So I'm working on it

This is using the motorised antennae (the wig needs a brush!), which uses the 'tricorder' bag to contain the motor. (The cables run down my neck, hidden by the wig, inside the dress and across to my shoulder and come out where the strap sits on my shoulder). I could only find one boot in my room (alot of uni stress atm).

Stay tuned for Supanova photos (including my friend as a pokeball, her boyfriend as Sepherin from FF, and my dad as a TOS captain)!!!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Parts of an Andorian Costume: The Face

Wig: White Cosplay wig bought off eBay.
Skin: Paradise Makeup AQ Professional Size 40gm Lt-Blue. It's Perfect! I initially just purchased smaller refills, but once I knew it was the correct colour I purchased the larger size. This was from the wonderful www.stagemakeup.com.au

Lips: I purchased a light blue StarGazer lipstick off eBay, and then also decided to get a white lipstick for a base, and then LipCote lipstick sealer from eBay to 'seal' the lipstick

Eyes/Cheeks: I simply went to my local chemist and bought three shades of blue eyeshadow, a blue eyeliner and blue mascara (although I think I will be using black on the day). I also bought some Blue pigment (MAC) from eBay as this can be made into almost anything. This will allow me to shade and lighten areas of my face, rather than a matte colour.

Hands: This should be in the body, but I forgot. I realised that gloves don't give you nails. So I went and bought one of those 'DIY Acrylic Nails" sets and painted them dark blue with polish bought from the chemist. I will then stick them on, and you have nails!

Eyeballs This costume has simply kept evolving as I think of new minute details that I could do. I walked past a stand selling contact lenses (the ones where you can change your eye colour or even put patterns on your eye). I couldn't remember what colour Andorians are so I rang my dad. We thought white or sky blue, turns out closer to black. So I bought Black contacts, which will make me look like I have no pupil and my entire eye is black. This can look very freaky when your dressed normally, but I have a feeling this might just be the final icing on the cake to make me look truly alien.

And for your viewing pleasure (remembering I woke up suprised to find my facemakup, and only put the face makeup, none of the other shades or parts, and even then it was patchy) Here is a photo to give you an idea.
Stay tuned for my final dress rehearsal! Convention is at the beginning of April and all I need is a makeup brush, contact solution and my dad to put the computer stuff inside the tricorder bag.

I'm not proud of this picture as it doesn't show how awesome it really can be.

Parts of an Andorian Costume: The Body

My Andorian is a Starfleet Original Series Andorian. These are the costume pieces I used

Shoes: Knee High Boots that are basically shaped and appropriate
Dress: Custom-made Starfleet Red Mini-Dress from eBay cosplaying is the username I think. Definitely recommend them, as their materials are quality. I think they do two types, so you need to make sure you get the right one. The other dress is pretty crap and is this thin silky synthetic material, whereas the good one is thick cotton style, with the accurate neckline.

How to get blue skin?

The consideration of blue skin is what to use, and how do I keep my thighs and hands (the parts that will be touching stuff) from rubbing off when I sit down. After much consideration and searching, I found www.welovecolors.com . This website is insane. The idea is that I would get the proper coloured stockings for Andorian skin, and the site is the only one that allows you to get matching coloured gloves. Perfect. For the stockings, which must be completely opaque, I used "Nylon/Lycra MicroFiber Solid Color Tights" in Sky Blue. The site offers around 50 shades so it is perfect for finding the colour you need for your cosplay.

The gloves:
The gloves were a bit trickier. The first pair I bought from the site were way too loose on my hands, very obvious they were gloves and they looked really bad. (I will upload a photo later). These were "Solid Color Nylon Gloves" in S/M.

So next I tried "
Solid Color Nylon Kids Gloves" but they cut off circulation, even being the large kid size. With this order I also purchased another set of stockings, in preperation for 'oh no I have a hole' during the convention.

The final order was two different types of gloves. "Shoulder Gloves" and "Solid Color Wrist Gloves" in the onesizefitsall. They are both very acceptable. However, the wrist gloves were slightly loose around the wrist, while because the opera length didn't finish until my elbow, they were very skin-tight when I moved my hand.

: This is the part that holds the motherboard and batteries for the moving antennae. The wire is threaded down the strap from the back of your head, and all the stuff is inside the tricorder. We are getting the Diamond Select new tricorder thats coming out soon, however this is not in time for the convention. My mother has a handbag that is so close to looking like a tricorder carrybag, we used that. But not after some drama of having to search through the household bin to find it, after she chucked it out because it broke. The night before the garbage truck came. So lucky! I will upload photos of this later too. The advantage of this, is my dad is going to case the computerchip and power inside a tupperware container or something, so I can use the rest of the space for the 'extras' like money, touch up makeup etc.