Friday, March 6, 2009

Disguising the joins of the Three Parts

After completing the basic antennae shape and thirds, there was still a gap between the moving top third and the middle. This gap was necessary as the top moves more than just a few millimetres, which would cause the latex to tear. So after much brainstorming and coming back over various days, we stumbled upon the idea of using electrical wire (the coloured types that are thin) to insert in the join. In the previous post you can see the blue lines between each thirds- this is the wire.

The benefits of this is that by this point of the antennae we had forgotten that Shran's (we were using him as a model) antennae had distinct joins. The wires solved two problems- covering the gap while allowing the top third to be seperate from the bottom section, while creating a definitive join.

We then simply inserted wires into the latex where necessary. I do believe that we had to redo the overall latex body of the antennae to imbed the wires. I am unsure.

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